So, yesterday I was contemplating what I would blog about today. My thoughts wandered toward my friend, Jen. If you live near me or talk to me on any kind of regular basis, you either know her or know of her. She is WONDERFUL!!!! The topic "Thoughtful Thursday" fits her perfectly. She is one of the most thoughtful people that I know.....except when she moved to Arizona, which I refer to as "H.E.!!". But, even then she was being thoughtful, because she did it for her husband, mostly. I hope he doesn't read he won't.
So, here are some things that I have learned from "My Friend" Jen in the past 5 years.....
*Even though it is her first Sunday in a new church in a new state, she is willing to sign up to be a volunteer for VBS..
*You can use your phone as a reminder that you have set a limit and aren't supposed to eat past 7pm....
*I (yes ME) CAN go to the gym and work out at 10pm---but I don't enjoy it--...
*Blogging is fun...especially when you structure it with daily topics..even though I teased her about it when she mentioned it....
*Moovin' 92.5 is a great station to listen to when you are alone in the car...
*You should always have a stocked box of s'mores supplies....
*Salad everyday is WONDERFUL....
*I LOVE the sauna....
*Craisin are a staple...
*Not everyone loves to stay in their pjs all day...(I don't get it)...
*VBS t-shirts can be stylish!!....
*You can have a commuting partner, even if they are a stay-at-home mom....
*.....even if they move to H.e.!!.....
So, as you can see I have learned a lot of life lessons from Jennifer James-Rachi. I miss her terribly. She really is one of the most thoughtful people that I know. She is always willing to.....
...take someone a meal
...organize a work day for someone in need of help
...babysit your kids (especially if she knows that she will get that favor returned)
...organize the collection of virtually anything that will help a person, group of persons or family
...make the MOST DELICIOUS CUPCAKES for a special event, or just because on the phone when you need to talk
...drop anything she has going on if she is able to help in any way
So, as you can she...she is great. WA is really going to miss her and AZ is lucky to have her!!!!
I heart you Jennifer!!!!!!!!!
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