
Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday

Giving up Facebook for Lent has seemed to be pointless. I haven't done anything super spiritual. Unfortunately, I haven't spent any extra time reading my Bible, or any deep time of prayer and fasting. I haven't even gotten my house clean.
But, over the past week I have been reflecting on Christ's last week before His death on the cross.
In our 5th Grade Sunday School class last Sunday, I spoke about "Passion". What are we passionate about? If you are passionate about something you are willing to suffer for it. Athletes that are passionate about being the best and becoming a professional suffer much for their sport. They work out to exhaustion. They allow their bodies to be beat up. They push through the pain and wanting to quit, because that is what it takes to accomplish greatness in athletics.
Students that are passionate about becoming doctors/lawyers/teachers.... suffer to accomplish their goal. Their is financial suffering. They have to give up some extra curricular things that they would like to do, in order to accomplish their passion. They work hard, study hard, and push through exhaustion and frustration. All for what they are passionate about.
On Palm Sunday Christ reentered Jerusalem, knowing what was ahead of Him. He was not looking forward to it. During that week, He prayed to God at least twice “My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done.”Matthew 26:39 and 42.
There is a song  "When I was on the cross You were on My mind". That is true, but we were on His mind His whole earthly life. We are what Christ is passionate about. He willingly walked that scary, overwhelming, dreadful path because of his passionate love for us. For each and every person that has ever and will ever be conceived. That is a really big concept.
Jesus loves YOU so much that He willingly gave Himself over to suffer a horrible death to be final and perfect sacrifice, to cover all sin.
This Good Friday that is what I am thinking about. Jesus is passionate about me. Jesus is passionate about my kids. Jesus is passionate about my husband. If He weren't He would not have walked that road. He would have stayed in Heaven, where the streets are gold and there are no tears, no suffering, no sadness, no death. But He came. He suffered. He died. He is passionate about you.
Good Friday is the day we "celebrate" (that is a terrible word) "reflect on" (that is better) His death. BUT......Easter Sunday is right around the corner. Without Good Friday, we cannot celebrate Easter. Without His death, there is no Resurrection. Today I reflect on His death. I am thankful for it. I am overwhelmed by it. I do not understand. On the 3rd day, I will Celebrate His Resurrection. He overcomes sin, death and the grave so that YOU and I can have a one on one relationship with God. We can know God and we can live with HIM forever. We just have to accept that and make that choice.
He is passionate about you. Get to know Him if you don't already.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


So, after my first ride I was so excited to get heavy into training mode. I woke up Monday morning with an earache, sore throat, headache, and general ache-iness all over! I have not felt well since. Grrrrrr........ time is ticking. I am losing training time. I really need to get back to the gym and hit the trail!!!!!!!!