
Saturday, January 17, 2009

A Good Day

Today started for me at 7:30ish am. I had my day all planned out.
  • Get the kids up and off to school
  • Clean up the kitchen
  • Go to the gym
  • Meet a friend for coffee
  • Clean up my house
  • Change the sheets on the guest bed
  • Pack up my scrapbooking stuff
  • Pack an overnight bag
  • Have a snack ready for my kids upon their return from school
  • Chill out
  • Go to Benjamin's basketball game
  • Head out to a friend's house for an overnight scrapbook party.

And do you know what? My day went just as planned. How often does that happen? Not often in this girl's world. This week I got back on track in regards to my eating and exercise. I have been feeling so much better. Being out of control in any aspect of my life is very stressful to me. I love getting my eating and exercise habits back in line with my goals of weight loss and health.

My boys got up out of bed easily and got ready for school, with no whining, no complaining, no arguing, no irritation to me or them. I went to a new class at the gym today and it was awesome. It isn't Zumba, but it will do. I met a friend, who I do not know all that well (but really want to get better acquainted with), for coffee and we spent 2 hours just chatting and sharing with one another about our lives, struggles and passions. I went home and got done what I wanted to have done, including making chocolate chip pancakes from scratch for my boys' afternoon snack. And I spent too much time on facebook, as usual! I spent my afternoon being very thankful for all of the blessings in my life. I love my husband, who is very loving and supportive, and my children. My parents are wonderful. My sister is also my very best friend in all of the world. All of my neices and nephews are beautiful and healthy. All of my in-laws are kind, loving people. I have a brother that I love, even though I just met him. His wife is already a wonderful friend and sister to me. My kids have 2 more cousins to get to know. Each person in my extended family has been a blessing to me in one way or another at one time or another. So many of my wonderful friends are more like family to me. When I need to talk there are several people that I can call in times of pain and trouble as well as times of rejoicing and celebration.

There are not enough words than can express all of the blessings in my life. And my heart has just been full all day (except when I had a huge lapse in judgement and ran my mouth, very inappropriately and got called on it and realized that I totally blew it with people that I should be an example to. I will ask for their forgiveness. And my Redeemer has already forgiven me and taught me a valuable lesson.) It could be that there are super endorphines running through my blood because of the 3 Zumba classes and 2 other fitness classes that I made it to this week. It could be the Venti Non-Fat Extra-Hot Latte that I drank while chatting with Riva. Or (and I think this is the real reason) I am just truly blessed by the God of the universe, the giver of all good gifts, my Abba Father, who created me to be uniquely me and who loves me with an unconditional, everlasting love.