
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Just Because It's Time

I have clicked on my blog quite a few times to see who has posted lately. I am so tired of seeing the blog that I last posted that I decided I just needed to post something. Anything. Now, what to say??? Hmmmm....really I don't have anything. I could talk about this crazy summer, but I don't really have the desire to go into that right now. But the quick version is this:
I trained for and "competed" in the ChelanMan triathlon, in July. That was such a great day. I felt strong and accomplished, even though I didn't quite perform as well as I had hoped. I came home pumped to keep up and step up my training. But, three days after the triathlon I developed a headache and some other symptoms. Long story short, 4 weeks later I was diagnosed with a Right Internal Carotid Artery Dissection. My carotid artery on the right side of my neck has a tear on the inside. So, I have been on blood thinners (Warfarin) since August. I had no idea what this would entail. It was a very stressful August. Financially, medically, emotionally...blah blah blah! I was very thankful that my Aunt Jeannie has taken my kids down to CA to stay with family for a few weeks. So, most of the time they were gone, I was laid out on my couch. Since my diagnosis I have felt much better, but have had to take it easy and monitor my blood thickness (INR). Things are going well now. I have been back to the gym a few times. But that is a battle. All that I want to do right now is lay on my couch wrapped in a blanket. I am thinking that I need to start increasing my vitamin D, as we do not have much sun exposure here these days. I will let you know how that goes.
So, there you have it. Now when I click on my blog to see your blog, I won't have to see the pictures of me with zebra hair anymore!!!!
Have a lovely day! :)