
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Gonna Try Something New

My friend, Jen (who is abandoning me to move back to Arizona this week) came up with this idea, or stole it from someone else, but I like it, so I am going to steal it. Each day of the week has a basic heading and you blog about something under that heading each day. So I am going to try. Sitting at Samuel's baseball practice last night, with no laptop or book, I got out a pen and paper (funny huh?) and came up with my list of topics. Here they are:
Mmmmmm Monday...a new recipe to try or just one that I love that I want to share.
Truth Tuesday....a biblical scripture or concept that has stuck out to me, recently.
WHAT? Wednesday...something that has made me say..."WHAAAAAAAT?".
Thoughtful Thursday...maybe a specific challenge in how to bless someone, or something that I found...thoughtful.
Fitness Friday (This might change to Family Friday.)...A fitness tip.
Sassy Saturday/Sunday....Just something fun for the weekend.
We will see what happens.
Oh, and I can blog randomly too. I also wrote a list of things to blog about on my family blog and this one.
So, are you ready?????

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