
Saturday, November 29, 2008

My Brother

The think that I am MOST thankful for this Thanksgiving, even if it is 2 days after the actual holiday, is meeting my brother for the first time EVER!!!!! It was crazy and scarey and stressful and anxiety-ridden....but mostly is was AMAZING!!!! We have so much in common. Our families have a ton in common. It was incredible. I am only sad that they live in Alaska and I don't know when I will get to see them again and introduce them to my family. I have thought about this day since I was 13 and found out that I had a brother (actually 3). He is great, his wife is so nice and his kids are adorable and friendly and funny!!!!

When I started the process of getting to meet him I kept saying that I wasn't looking for anything; I didn't have any expectations; I just wanted my curiosity satisfied. But, I think I found a brother and a new friend. I really hope so. Now that I have met them, I want more. I want to get to know them and spend time with them and I want to be a part of their lives and I want them to be a part of my life. I sit here with so much emotion that I cannot even describe it. I feel like puzzle pieces are coming together, I feel connected....I don't know exactly how I feel.

I thought that I could just meet him, put it behind me and move on with life. But I feel like everything has changed. My life will go on as normal. My daily routine will be unaltered. But, I have a brother. And that changes everything.


  1. This is awesome Shanna. That biological link is powerful and it will change your perspecitves. I am so glad that God gave you this opportunity!

  2. Love the pics! Love them, love them, love them! You both look so happy and natural and comfortable and all those things you talk about. Glad to hear the meeting was fabulous.
