
Monday, October 24, 2011

Why Are the Right Things So Difficult?

I know that I need to eat healthier, and less. I need to workout more, which usually means being at the gym by 5am. Reading my Bible is a necessity.
I Love, I mean LOVE, to eat. I do not eat in moderation (CLEARLY). I don't want to eat in moderation. But I need to. It is SO hard to put the fork down when there is cake around. I don't want to stop after I have had 5 double stuf oreos dipped in milk. There are few things more satisfying than a happy full belly! I mean really! But, if I want to get rid of this excess weight (aka FAT) that I am carrying around, I have to change my thinking on this. "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels." Right? I wouldn't KNOW!!!!! But I want to find out!
It is just so dang hard to do the right thing!!!!!
I feel so much better every time that I make it to the gym and workout. Why do I skip days (that sometimes turn into weeks and months)???? Why??? Why can't I make myself remember that feeling of strength and accomplishment and vibrancy when I finally decide to stop playing the "snooze-button" game and turn the alarm off? 
Working out and going to church are very similar. They are always the right thing to do, but sometimes you just want to stay in bed. But once you have gone to church or finished a workout you never regret it!
I am on a journey to lose at least 30 of these excess fat pounds by the time I turn 40 in March. I have been logging my food and exercise at . It is a really cool site/App for you smart phone. But when I got on the scale after 2 weeks, it had not moved anywhere but UP!!!! Grrrrrr!!!! But I will not give up. I will keep on doing the next right (even though difficult) thing, just because I know it is what I need to do!

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