
Friday, January 22, 2010

I am so tired of being consumed by the size of my body. I have committed to get back on track and stay there, knowing that I will stumble, but I am determined to make this a life change. I have been trying to make little changes that will help.
I am keeping a 32 oz. water bottle with me at all times. I try to drink 2 full bottles per day, plus whatever I drink while working out. Some days I succeed and some days I don't, but every day, I try.
I also have a workout goal for each week. It is a lot, so if I make most of the workouts, I am doing good. If I make them all SA-WEET!
I am trying to be more aware of my portion sizes, as well as what I am eating. I am getting a little bit better at telling myself "no" when I know that I want to eat something that I shouldn't.
I also have committed to NOT eating ice cream while watching Biggest Loser (hopefully not at all, but especially not during BL).
I am keeping healthy stuff (mini peppers from Costco) in the house, so I always have something to grab when I "need" something.
I am also adopting the philosophy that this is a life-long journey. I want to be a healthier more active person for life.
So far, I have not seen much of a difference in my weight, but I am feeling a little bit of a difference in my jeans and that is what matters!


  1. What a great resolution! I love that you're not just trying to insta-shrink, you're learning to live a healthier, more active lifestyle. I'm been working on the same thing :) You go, girl! Love ya!

  2. i'm so proud of you, and i just love reading about your journey.
